
Been a long time

Sorry for ignoring this blog for so long, but a lot have been going on.

I've been looking for a house over the last few months and not having a lot of luck. This is compounded by my work schedule which is from 10-6, and does not have a lunch hour. This means I have no time in the middle of the day to go look at houses. So I was only able to go looking on Saturdays. And when you find a house in Utah, it's got an offer on it within 1-3 days.

And then, my company went through some major changes. WCGS was owned by 3 equal partners, but is now down to 2 partners. The 3rd was "let go" by the other 2. Problem is, that partner was the only other employee in Utah, so what do we now do with the one remaining Utah employee? Yeah, I was thinking that I'd be out of a job, but it doesn't look that bad just yet.

Then I went to NY for 2 weeks to work from there while there was a lot going on. That was good for visibility reasons I guess. One of the partners has an "out of sight, out of mind" kink of mentality. While in NY, we decided to close the Utah office and have me work from home. So that's what I'm doing now.