

So, not one of the many resumes or interviews that I've gone on have worked out. I blame you all for not praying enough for me.

Now that culpability has been established, I'm not giving up on getting a good job, but I've had to pick up temp work to pay the bills. I went to Manpower, a temp agency, to fill out an app and see what they had. Let me make this clear, Manpower doesn't mess around. About 10 minutes after filling out the application, they were telling me about my new assignment that I would report to the following morning. I was expecting a few days at least.

The job is simple manufacturing for a craft company in Orem, QuicKutz. The work is bearable, and the people are nice. But the time is horrid! Work starts at the inhumane hour of 7 in the morning! That means I have to get up at about 6. Six AM for a gamer is about the equivalent of 2 AM for the rest of you. A half hour lunch means we are done at 3:30 PM. At least that leaves me a good chunk of the day to game like humans are meant to.

Oh, and my Druid hit 70 last week, so this should also be a "ding" post. Most of you wont understand that last sentence, and I encourage those who don't know to research for yourself what it means. A lvl 70 Druid is very fun to play. You should all try it sometime.



I had 2 interviews yesterday, hope they turn out.



I went to Texas with a few friends from my WoW guild, Panda Attack, last week. We had a blast. I wasn't going to be able to go, but Dan (Weshea is his in-game name) wanted me to be there and was willing to buy my plane ticket for me.

The night we got there a group of us went to Ihop. Dan and I were there of course, but so was Jason Salsbury (Jase), Jeremy (Hitsuji, who came all the way from Japan), Angie (Miranda) Kurtz, and Scott Kurtz (Skull), the leader of our guild.

The next day, we went to a LAN center to play WoW. It wasn't the best environment, but it was a fun experience just because of the 14 year old punks who spend their day there yelling obscenities at each other. My new favorite term is "homogayfag". One kid, who was upset with another kid, said "stop being gay" at least 8 times in a one minute span (I think the other kid was spawn camping him). After a few minutes our crew were all calling each other homo's.

So we left there and all setup computers in Scott Kurtz's living room. That was a good call, just because it put us all in a quiet environment (or at least one we control), and we had a great time.

Some of the other people who showed up were Becky (Naraktrako) and her husband Mike, Gary (Ghulof), and Gary (Xindaiel).

On the iPhone's first day on sale, Scott Kurtz and I went and got in line to try to get a phone for he and his wife Angie. It was pretty fun for a few reasons, I love gadgets like all the folks in line, I like "first day" kind of things, and Scott Kurtz is an entertaining person to hang out with. He told me later that he was thankful for the company in line. We got one for Scott and one for Angie, both 8 gig models. Those phones are very sweet, and I'm stoked that Apple upped the ante this way. It will force Nokia and Motorola to do the same. All the competition will be great for us the consumers, as prices will drop and feature counts will go up.

Hitsuji got each of us some swag from Japan, mostly just inexpensive toys, but all of it is pretty cool stuff. My stuff got lost when I was there, but the Kurtz's are going to mail it to me.

On the last day, we played a little bit, and then packed up for our flight. It was sad going, but we had a good time. I was kinda hoping our plane would be delayed because of the horrible rain we had, off and on, all weekend. But alas, I had no excuse to stay and headed back home.

On a side note, I got my Druid to lvl 61, and should hit 70 in a week or so.