
Permanent Waves

Work had me seriously depressed today. About 20 times more than normal. I can usually shake it off about 5 steps out of the door, but today was different.

So I resorted to my best and oldest trick, I put Rush on the iPod and everything was better again. Today was the 1980 classic "Permanent Waves". I don't know which song changed my mood, probably because I was too distracted. But it was track 4, Entre Nous, where I took note of how completely my mood had changed.

This is why Rush is, and will probably always be, my favorite band.



Just watched Memento for the first time. Wow! So good that I don't mind being a decade behind everyone else. And Joe Pantoliano was made for the role of Teddy. I always hated him in the Matrix.


Odds are, you will lose

"Gambling is a tax on people who are bad at math" - Anonymous (If you can find who originally said this, post a reply)

I just watched a TV show where the mother was outraged that her daoughter's boyfriend was in a band. It made me think that people who buy lottery tickets lose all credibility when they complain that their daughter's boyfriend's band will never 'make it'.


Our 16th president

"You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by encouraging class hatred. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn. You cannot build character and courage by taking away a man's initiative and independence. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves." - Abraham Lincoln


Colorado says "NI" to the FDA

"Stem cells are like the carbon-fiber of nature. You can make anything from them." - Adam

That's me being all prophetic. But seriously, a company in Colorado is fixing busted people with stem cells.

I would have gone the Steve Austin way, but their method is cool too.

I hate lamp

Get me this instead.


I love lamp

If anyone is looking for a gift for my birthday, get me a cheap desk lamp. My current lamp is ghetto-tarded.