
Why do I bother to title these when they're all about Warcraft?

Well, you'll be happy to know that we've defeated the first 6 bosses in Molten Core. The last 4 we took down on our second attempt on each of them. That's a sign that we work well together. Most groups can't do that much that fast, so I'm very proud of our team. Getting 40 people, most of whom have never met one another, from diverse backgrounds, to all work together towards a common goal is a real chore. A lot of our leader's time is spent dealing with drama amongst the various players. But we now have crossed some threshold.

It all goes back to Lucifron, the first boss of MC. We wiped on every attempt during the first run, and gave up eventually. On the second run, we figured it out on our third attempt, and we haven't wiped on Luci since. We had some minor problems on Magmadar, but we got it on what was surely our last attempt for that day. From there on out, we have defeated every subsequent boss on our second attempt.

And so far I haven't missed out on a DKP yielding kill yet. Here's our current DKP standing (which should always show the current listing and will change this Wednesday). DKP stands for Dragon Kill Points, and it's an old Everquest method of making sure that everyone gets a fair shot at the awesome rewards given after every boss kill. Since each boss kill drops about 2-5 very nice items, not everyone is going to get something. To make sure that nobody get's too far ahead of the rest of the group, each item is given a point value, and all the points from all the drops are added up, and divided by the number of participants. So if a item worth 40 DKP drops and there are 40 people, each person gets 1 point. And if you want that item, you have to "spend" DKP in order to get it. Obviously we allow people to go into negative DKP, otherwise nobody could get anything on the first few runs.

That's it for now. This week we hope to finish the last 2 bosses before Majordomo Executus. Wish us luck.


j said...

Good Luck. I was starting to think you'd never post again.

Marianne & Clayton said...

Um. Ya. So, like, ok. Tell me when your blog is going to be fun and gossipy again. Ok, so you were never a gossip. But you can start. Do you think Pam is going to call off her engagement? And you are always fun. I told Darren that his blog was dead to me. I can't lose two in one week! It would hurt too much.

Adam said...

I can give ya lots of drama, but it's all guild drama. So-and-so thinks that they should be allowed to do this, and that-other-guy is mad that he wasn't allowed to roll on the epic ring that dropped.

I could care less myself. Just give me a tank to heal and I'll go anywhere. But I prefer AQ20 over ZG, anything else is just crazy talk.

Ninny Beth said...

MORE COWBELL...that's what I have to say about this blog. Actually, congrats! And I'm not about to give you apicture of me with a half ponytail, Adam. I'm really kind of shy and introverted. It just wouldn't be right.

Adam said...

So yeah, we got the last 2 bosses, and it was really no problem. In fact, the last boss we took down on our first try. Those were all the "mini-bosses", though there isn't really anything mini about them.

A couple of our more experienced Priests are not raiding as much right now, so it's putting more pressure on myself and the new guys. We seem to be doing fine though.

However, when we fought Baron Geddon (one of the 8 mini-bosses) last week, we were about 4 hours into the raid. I fell asleep before the fight and woke up to the entire 40 person raid DEAD. Since I was the main healer (MH), I presumed it was all my fault. Turns out someone else screwed up just as bad, and that wiped out half of our raid. So mobody knew of my folly, and I didn't volunteer that info. What a n00b.