

A friend of mine (from WoW) designed a shirt for Threadless.com and it's being voted on. If you would like to see it, follow the link:
Nerd's Threadless.com Submission

Threadless.com has a bunch of really cool t-shirts, and even more really odd shirts. Every now and then you'll find one you like more than anything in your closet. I used "you" in that sentance, because my closet pwns all your closets combined. But even I will sometimes find a new shirt there.


Regirlfriend said...

Your closet pwns mine?

Does that mean you own more than one pair of Citizen jeans? Cuz no t-shirt pwns Citizen jeans. They're the hottest.

Adam said...

I have many t-shirts that pwn Citizen jeans. But in all honesty, neither of us is familiar enough with the other's wardrobe to do a fair comparison. I just know for 100% positivity that I own cooler t-shirts than 99% of the human race.