

So, not one of the many resumes or interviews that I've gone on have worked out. I blame you all for not praying enough for me.

Now that culpability has been established, I'm not giving up on getting a good job, but I've had to pick up temp work to pay the bills. I went to Manpower, a temp agency, to fill out an app and see what they had. Let me make this clear, Manpower doesn't mess around. About 10 minutes after filling out the application, they were telling me about my new assignment that I would report to the following morning. I was expecting a few days at least.

The job is simple manufacturing for a craft company in Orem, QuicKutz. The work is bearable, and the people are nice. But the time is horrid! Work starts at the inhumane hour of 7 in the morning! That means I have to get up at about 6. Six AM for a gamer is about the equivalent of 2 AM for the rest of you. A half hour lunch means we are done at 3:30 PM. At least that leaves me a good chunk of the day to game like humans are meant to.

Oh, and my Druid hit 70 last week, so this should also be a "ding" post. Most of you wont understand that last sentence, and I encourage those who don't know to research for yourself what it means. A lvl 70 Druid is very fun to play. You should all try it sometime.

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