
My guild killed Kael'thas Sunstrider!

Most of you don't know how significant this is, but we killed Kael'thas Sunstrider, the last boss in Tempest Keep, It took us 3 weeks of trying, but now we have 23 raiders who are attuned to enter Mount Hyjal. Mount Hyjal and Black Temple are the only things left in WoW that our guild has yet to complete. After we beat the first boss in Hyjal, we can start on Black Temple.

We took a quick look into Hyjal, and tried the first boss. It was fun, more fun than I've had in an instance in a long time.

I'm so proud of our crew, I feel like a parent after their kid won some otherwise silly award.


Marianne & Clayton said...

So after Black Temple you are all done? Then what? Zelda or Laura Croft? JK. Good job.

Adam Howell said...

A new instance is being released with patch 2.4, which is due any week now.

And after that, patch 3.0 will be released (late 2008) which will raise the level cap to 80 (it's 70 now), and the whole process will start again.

I expect that we can have all the current content done by the time 3.0 goes live.