
Guess what I played this weekend!

Ok, it was mostly just a lot of WoW. But I played some NHL Hitz Pro with my nephews, and I downloaded the Lego Star Wars demo and played that also. Calvin liked it as well, but he spent most of the time killing his padawan and giggling like only a 9 year old can.

Grant and Calvin played a load of James Bond on the GameCube, largely because it entertains them for hours, and it entertains me just listening to them play.

Anyways, I thought I'd put on an update that my Pally is lvl 52, my Rogue is lvl 23 (still), and my Priest is lvl 21. I spend most of my time on my Priest. My intent in creating this alt was to give our guild a high lvl healer for instances.

On Saturday I ran him through VC with a pickup group. We got all the way to the docks when our tank (a lvl 23 rogue) said he had to leave. This is rather frustrating, because I was worried about our tank being able to help with Van Cleef. We were getting by, but not with confidence. I had already resurrected a few in our group, and had been res'd once myself (@lvl 20). The worst were our lvl 16 Mage and lvl 18 Paladin. At least the Pally can tank, that Mage was truly useless. And the Mage couldn't get it through his head that he aggro'd at about 4 miles. He would keep running up to the front to loot a recent kill, and then we'd have a half dozen baddies attacking us in a place where we should only face about 3 at a time. Near the end, I stopped healing that little prick. I would res him, but only after we were safe and done looting the area.

It's times like that when I remember just how much I love my guild. Fiara (38 NE Rogue) answered my call for a new tank, and we rolled from the dock to VC in about 15 minutes. On the level of the dock just below the ships upper deck (after Smite, before the Captain), our Mage aggro'd the captain and his 2 guards. I gave up on everyone but Fiara and let them die, but Fiara came through for us, and I res'd the dead. I really wish our first tank had stuck around longer. I wanted some feedback on how well or poorly I had done as a healer, and Fiara didn't need my heals as much as a tank near my lvl needs it. Oh well, I guess I'll get a chance with Gnomer.

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