
Update on everything

Ok, no update in a while makes me rather lame. To fend off such labels, I offer you the following:

My Priest is now lvl 27. He's getting more fun to play, but he is still "squishy" (wears cloth armor), and that makes him a complete pansy, even with a shadow build. The last instance that I took him through was Stockades, and that was with a 57 rogue, so I still don't have a very good idea of how well he can heal.

My Pally is still 52, and my forgotten rogue is lvl 23. I started a Gnome mage when Frostwolf was down last weekend, and I have him at lvl 10. I'd bet that he get's only slightly more playtime than Null. Mage's are fun to play though. A lot of DPS real early on.

In non-WoW news, George Lucas made his first television appearance in a few decades recently. You can read all about it and his announcements here: Star Wars.com.

Kirsten keeps me laughing, check out her blog.

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