
14 Mhz

Ok, I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, wanted the new 14Mhz Futaba controller. 2048 step servo resolution, dual processors, 640x240 color screen, 14 channels, Compact Flash memory slot, customizable shoulder switches, up to 100 model memory, etc... Then I read that it's powered by Windoze CE!!!

That's all I need, my $2000 radio get's a virus and brings new meaning to the term "crash". Or maybe I can experience a .dll conflict mid flight? I think it's in the realm of possibility to experience some horrible security flaw that would allow my new transmitter to be a zombie used by spammers to flood the world with unwanted e-mails.

Ok, so none of that is gonna happen, but a lot is going to have to change before I will trust my $1500 helicopter to a Micro$oft product. Shame on you Futaba! Shame on you for thinking that all (or even most) R/C modelers are ignorant of the horrible products put out by Microsoft.

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