
Fathers day, and Mothers day

My parents are cool. They are far more interesting than most.

Unless you dad is a secret agent, I probably have you beat in the "cool dad" category. He used to race dragsters professionally in the 60's, he's been in more street fights (in his youth) than any 7 other fathers, and if you need to know some fact, odds are that he knows it.

And my mom, yeah, you lose there also. She is so kind that she makes June Cleaver look like a crack addict, and she has a work ethic you just don't find anymore.

I've never had a friend meet my parents that wasn't impressed. It wasn't until just a few years ago that I realized how good I really had it. Then I look back at my grandparents, and it kinda makes sense. My father gets his keen intellect from his dad, and his spirituality from his mother. My mom was raised mostly without her father, and that was probably the best gift he could have given her. I've really only met him once, but I'd take my maternal grandmother over my maternal grandfather any day of the week. My mom's mother was kind at heart, and may have been the hardest worker I've met. You've got to be pretty tough to raise 4 kids on your own in the 50's. I'm sure that's where mom get's her work ethic from. And mom's spirituality is all her own, she has her mother to thank for part of it, but she has fought the good fight and stayed the course.

I guess I should tell them more often how much I love them.