
Here be my name...

My pirate name is:

Iron Sam Rackham

A pirate's life isn't easy; it takes a tough person. That's okay with you, though, since you a tough person. You have the good fortune of having a good name, since Rackham (pronounced RACKem, not rack-ham) is one of the coolest sounding surnames for a pirate. Arr!

Get your own pirate name from fidius.org.

More pirate fun can be found here.


How long is a year?

I can't believe I've been blogging for almost a year. My first post was just a note letting everyone know that I wasn't gonna blog, I just wanted to post comments on Kirsten's and Annie's blog.
My second post was mostly a realization that you don't need to have anything significant to say in order to blog. Something that 99% of the rest of the bloggers already knew (or didn't know, but were oblivious to how boring they were/are).
Now I throw almost any random thought up here. Who cares about relevance or continuity! And you all get to take advantage of these pearls of wisdom. You're probably all thinking: "Wow, that Adam. What a great guy!" Well, you're welcome.


Surviving the end of a failed raid

A good raid can be the most rewarding and exciting part of your World Of Warcraft experience. When teamwork and skill combine in a good raid party, objectives are easily met and your entire group hearths home without resurrecting.

But when your raid group is formed on the spot by someone with less than existent leadership skills, you are in for a world of hurt. These groups are often the type formed when an area is hit by an organized opposition's raid. At this time, the need for a raid group becomes apparent, and somebody steps up and starts the group. But a defensive raid group should never change to an offensive raid group without first setting some kind of objective.

These groups get gung -ho when they route the enemy, and the group quickly becomes a train of "HK seekers". Snaking into enemy territory chasing after the tail end of the retreating enemy, soon they meet the organized resistance that's been formed at the nearest enemy town. The newly formed battle line is fiercely contested for a few minutes, but the defending enemy has the advantage of respawning guards, and every raid group formed since the conception of WoW has had that 1 (or more) guy who stirs up the guards.

At this point it's best to call a general retreat. Since that never happens with these "pick up" groups (they always think they can turn the tide back in their favor), your smartest act is to hearth out and leave with dignity.

So lets say you are one of the folks that should have left already, and now face an overwhelming number of red names. You are gonna die, accept that and prepare for it. We are gonna leave everyone else now. If you are a support class, don't feel bad, you can't help much now anyways.

Don't run down the path you came in on, everyone else is doing that, and it only serves as a focusing point for the now "HK hungry" opposition. Find a route that nobody else on your team is taking and head that way. You don't even need to be heading in the general direction of your intended retreat. Remember that we are hearthing out, so it doesn't matter if you do this 100m further away.

If you have no pursuing fan club, then hearth out and count yourself lucky. If you do have your own train, "root em if you got em". If you can't root, at least draw them as far from your main group as possible. This way you still serve a value to the rest of the team.

If you are going to get nailed, try to find some trees or hills that you can res behind after you go down. Ashenvale and Tanaris are great for this. This will give you a chance of escape if they corpse camp you. Res behind a visual obstruction, and once they see your corpse change to bones, they will run all over looking for you, but you have a head start because of the cover you took. Now just find a safe place to hearth, and end this nightmare.


Alone time

Well, I've had a lot of alone time this last week. It's not like I wasn't a hermit before everyone abandoned me, but now I really feel alone. It's kinda sad, but mostly in a "pity party" sort of way. I'll be fine, it just takes some getting used to.

A positive thing happened this week though. An friend that I met online a while back might be moving to Utah soon. She IM'd me 2 days ago and mentioned this. It's kinda wierd for me, as she is the first (and only) person that I've met and gotten to know rather well, without ever meeting in person.

I've updated my webcomics page, and I am VERY proud of the results. I set it up with expanding lists, and the process of learning this was really fun. It's my first Javascript that does anything really functional. I'm always adding new content to it, but I'm keeping it text only for as long as I can (there are 2 images used in the expanding lists though).

Possibly my favorite new (new to me) webcomic is Copper. I just love the art.



First is was Kevin, then Marcus, Ryan, and now Cliff. All my bro's are leaving me :(


Alien Loves Predator

Alien Loves Predator just may be my new favorite way to spend time online.

The premise is that an Alien and a Predator are roommates in NYC. Unlike the popular comics, games, and movie, they get along rather well. The bulk of the webcomic is done by superimposing pictures of toy figurines over real world photos. One of my favorites is Abe ogling a Barbie, it just captures Abe perfectly with one frame. If that's not awesome in it's own right, the creator, Bernie, is one hilarious human being (I presume he's human from the pictures of his offspring).

I'll throw a link on my webcomic page on Monday most likely.

Spam can be funny



Panda Attack!

Good news! I got into Panda Attack! I don't know if this is going to be enough to inspire me to put in the time to get another character up to lvl 40 and beyond.

We had a raid last night, but I had a church meeting at the same time, and I could not attend. Turns out we lost, and the Alliance beat us back to Horde territory. I can't help but think that maybe one more healer on site might have turned the tides. Wish I had been there.


PvP vs. PA

How do I decide?!!! Do I join "Panda Attack" or whatever incarnation PA decides on for the new Dark Iron server? Oh, BTW, this is all a bunch of WoW jargon. If you don't roll in Azeroth, just ignore my macho-nerd babble and head over to someone more interesting.

For everyone still with me, I'm leaning towards siding with PvP for 2 reasons: 1. I haven't played Horde nearly enough, and 2. Panda's are incredibly cool.