
Alien Loves Predator

Alien Loves Predator just may be my new favorite way to spend time online.

The premise is that an Alien and a Predator are roommates in NYC. Unlike the popular comics, games, and movie, they get along rather well. The bulk of the webcomic is done by superimposing pictures of toy figurines over real world photos. One of my favorites is Abe ogling a Barbie, it just captures Abe perfectly with one frame. If that's not awesome in it's own right, the creator, Bernie, is one hilarious human being (I presume he's human from the pictures of his offspring).

I'll throw a link on my webcomic page on Monday most likely.


Adam said...

I love heartfelt feedback such as this.

Adam said...

Has anyone else seen this?

Regirlfriend said...

I am so sick of these things getting on peoples' blogs. What is it with this!!! Now there is blog spam? Where are all those internet security people who make up ways to combat this? I'm sorry Adam.