
A poem about Instant Messenger (IM)

[17:59:48] KaRyn: can't you make IM into a poem instead?
[18:00:02] Adam - WCGS: ode to IM, a poem by Adam
[18:00:22] Adam - WCGS: IM stole my time, but time was fleeting
[18:00:48] Adam - WCGS: I try to think of a rhyme, but am no suceeding
[18:00:55] Adam - WCGS: am not
[18:01:20] Adam - WCGS: Customers want attention, it happens everyday
[18:01:40] Adam - WCGS: they think IM gives them that, but AFK takes it away
[18:01:47] Adam - WCGS: Oh man, that was good
[18:01:51] KaRyn: you are brilliant.
[18:01:53] Adam - WCGS: I'm blogging that


Regirlfriend said...

Yes, Adam. Brilliant.

My ode to blogging:

I have lots of homework
It's due in seven days
but I procrastinate it
but the blog's my favorite way
i sign on, view my profile
review all my old posts
then click the "new post" button
and watch my back really close
cuz if D comes in and finds me
blogging about celebrities
he'll take away the computer
and tell me D's BARELY get degrees.
I really love blogging.
It distracts me from hard work.
D just came in and caught me...
so I have to get off now and can't find anything to rhyme with that.

Ninny Beth said...

what I love is that your post shows also how QUICK WITTED you are by indicating, to the second, when the poem came to be.

I am going to walk around with a timer when I talk. I will point out to people how quickly I responded. I think it will boost my stock.

Adam said...

Trillian FTW!