
Lunch at work

At work today, I ate lunch outside with some of the employee's. One of the ladies there is in her mid 20's, has been married about 6 years, and is expecting her first child. She's due in January, and has only been "showing" for the last week or two.

About a week ago I got the impression that I should say something nice about her looks. You see, her complexion has broken out recently due to the hormonal changes she's going through, and I could tell by the way she dresses and carries herself that she is feeling self-conscious about her appearance. I didn't say anything, for fear of sounding flirty towards a married woman. Now I know a possible reason for that impression.

Last night, her husband told her something along the line of not being attracted to her anymore. Both her complexion and her weight gain were reasons, with other possible reasons. I guess it was the second time he's done so.

When I got outside, one of the other ladies said "let's ask Adam and see what a man thinks". So I was asked by one of the other ladies if it's ok for a man to say something like that to his expecting wife. I said "of course not", and then went on, hopefully redeeming myself for not acting a week earlier.

I sad that I feel that I've been given a gift. I can see the beauty in almost anything. Not just that, but I can see through things that might otherwise hide beauty. I told her that no matter what her pregnancy may do to her body, she has a beautiful face and an attractive figure. Her husband just may be one of the guys that can't see past those things.

She started balling after that, and one of the ladies consoled her. I presume she cried because she was appreciative of the comment or moody, and not because she was again mad at her husband. I didn't feel like I had crossed any line of decency, so I'm chalking it up as having done something nice.


Ryan said...

Wow, that was really nice of you. You have always been good at consoling those in need of uplifting. I feel bad for this poor girl...as if she is not already dealing with enough stress and emotional roller-coasters.

Nice job.

Anonymous said...
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Regirlfriend said...

Oh how I adore you for that! Yeah, you did a good thing. You've always been good at that. Maybe it's having millions of sisters and nieces, and watching them live in a world that is rigged with self-esteem mines everywhere we turn. Thanks for such a sweet post!

Unknown said...

At first I was a little offended, we've known each other for a long time and I don't think you've mentioned my figure, even once...

But putting that that aside for a moment. You rule. That was great.