
My guild seriously rules

Today, on our 4th attempt, we got Al'ar to 2% before he enraged and wiped us. We have come so far so fast. We have all of Serpentshrine Cavern (SSC) clear except for Lady Vashj. And by the end of January I expect to have SSC and Tempest Keep (TK) on farm, and making shots at Mount Hyjal. I'm very proud of our raiders. Don't tell them I said that.

A while back, when we were struggling, I asked a friend in a more advanced guild, what he thought we were missing, what we could change to possibly do better. His answer was kinda funny: "You're all too nice, you need a 'bad guy' sometimes".

He was right, we have always been too accommodating, and our members were taking advantage of almost no repercussion for poor performance. In response to this, I decided to play the bad cop. I really like it actually. If the raid doesn't seem to have enough focus, I get mean and make it know they had better perform. It's an interesting little amateur psychology experiment seeing how people react to being yelled at for performance in a video game. About 90% of the time, they start performing substantially better.

If people screw up with anything other than legitimate mistakes, I rip them apart. I was once so mean that I got a guild member to quit the guild on the spot, and about a week later, the game. In my defense, he was being superbly stupid, and nobody really liked the guy. His mistake was that he was trying to save his own life, at the cost of EVERYONE else in the raid, including himself. I definitely overreacted, and in hindsight, should have handled it differently. And I've learned from that.

But our guild is now progressing rapidly, and it feels good to make significant steps forward. We should have people in full tier 5 soon, and a few pieces of tier 6 not long afterwards.


Adam said...

If you want to see what the fight is like, here's a link to the first attempt of the night.

I'll try to remember to put up a link to the 2% attempt when that gets posted.

Marianne & Clayton said...
