
Missing Media

I'm trying to make a proper list of all of my media, mostly CD's and DVD's. If you have any of mine, would you post a comment or send me an e-mail please.

Some of the ones I know that I'm missing are:
Sports Night (entire series in 1 collection)
Arrested Development Season 1
Matrix Revolutions

...and probably a few others. Thanks.


Regirlfriend said...

Did we pass A.D. on to Marianne and Clayton or did they pass it on to us? We probably have it and thought it was ours because we did buy at least one season of our own and got confused.

Thanks for the reminder. If it's us that has it, we'll bring it on down to the next family dinner!

Unknown said...

I think I have your "Full House - Season 3" if you're looking for it.

Adam said...

Why would you want to borrow that Tom? Is that the best you've got? A burn that burns yourself at the same time?