
Other countries

Now to everyone in countries that doesn't like the US. Shut up and get a hobby. I'm sick of hearing people in other countries complain about how the US uses it's influence to do this or that. Odds are, if you're from another country, you owe us money. And this isn't a case of America throwing money at you. It's inevitably a case of "your country was SOL, and you asked us for help". Do you know how many billions of dollars and millions of tons of food we ship to countries in need every year? Does your country match the amount of aid that we give out every year? And odds are that your country receives some of the aid that we send out every year. The money for this aid comes from the dollars that I pay in taxes, and I pay a lot. I'm in one of the worst tax situations right now, young, single, and making decent money. So pardon me if I get offended when I hear the latest French "outrage" against something that the US has done. That government still owes us more money than some countries GNP.

So you think that your country caves in to pressure from the US? You're damn right they do, but it's not because they are afraid of our military, they do it usually because they don't want citizens starving and dying. Or at least because they want to be on the winning side of the next world war. So we want a military base in your region, and you don't want to dig mass graves to bury all the people that died from some natural disaster or that your government killed from lack of decent leadership. Sounds like a fair trade to us.

And to you fanatical Muslims that wish to harm the US because you think we oppress Islam. Do you realize that we have Muslims over here? By harming the US, you are harming other Muslims. By your own laws you are sinning. There is no excuse for this. If you try to rationalize your harm of other Muslims, you are sinning even further. Allah will punish you for this, whether here on earth or in the afterlife. Think about that for a while.

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