

I'm getting sick of politics. I'm a right winger, and in my opinion, both sides are acting like dorks.

I don't mean the candidates, I mean their supporters. Look at what we call celebrities and the sad behavior that they employ at this time of the political cycle. M&M has a new music video that rips George W apart (I know how his name is spelled, he's just an under-educated young punk, and I have the right to mock him and his stupid stage name). This video is a blatant attempt to get young voters to vote how he wants. I saw an entire album of various artists a few months ago that was called "Rock Against Bush". Hmm, wonder why that was made? I would love to see who started that project, and where it got it's funding. Hollywood acts like every republican candidate clubs baby seals and worships satan. But they go on to promote every liberal candidate as if God had chosen them for the office, and if you don't vote for them, then you are socially irresponsible and inherently evil. Give me a break. Not that the right wing is any better. It's like some horrible cycle that keeps getting worse, and the only way that any candidate can hope to overcome the mud slinging, is to join in and sling some back. Whatever happened to staying out of range? But it's obvious that the days are long past that we can hope for a squeaky clean president.

NOBODY in the last couple of decades has gotten to the place where they have a legitimate shot at running for president without 2 things. First, they know enough about the system to do the job adequately. And second, they didn't get that far without dirtying their hands a little (campaign contributions, cover ups, etc...). Everyone of these people has a few skeletons in the closet. So 2 things are guaranteed: they are able to do the job, and we are gonna hear things about them that we don't like.

So what dirt do we have this time around? There is no doubt in my mind that Kerry was a coward in Vietnam and that his 3 purple hearts are complete BS. He missed only 2 days of duty from the injuries that resulted in 3 purple hearts (most purple heart injuries result in weeks of missed duty each), and he nominated himself for at least one of the purple hearts (usually your commander does this). There is also no doubt in my mind that GWB was a slacker in the National Guard and that he partied hard when he was younger. But either of these guys will be able to preside over our country just fine, so drop the martyr act people.

I understand that some people don't like our current president, and some think he is not a good leader. Fine. But some of these same people will tell you straight faced, that George is the single worst president in the history of humanity. Even more comical is hearing these people (and even Republicans) go on as if their candidate/party is blameless for the current state of the nation. Give me a break! In my lifetime America has always had more than one party in our government. You can't blame the president for everything, just like you can't blame one party for everything that is wrong or right in the country. We have a congress made up of more than two parties (though few are not Republican or Democrat), so both have to bear some of the blame. We are ALL at fault for the state of America, wether we voted for these people or not, and even if you didn't vote at all. Everyone of voting age has to bear some of the responsibility for where we are now.

Get out and vote!

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