
When will it be final?

It's 03:30 EST and here is a run down of the news outlets that haven't conceded defeat:


What did I mean by "conceding defeat"? Some media have a firm grasp of math, and can see that GWB has the election wrapped up. Any station that hasn't given Ohio to GWB must be holding onto some hope that absentee ballots will turn the tide. This isn't proof that they are pro-Kerry, but I'm running out of ideas as to why they would behave in such a way. And absentee ballots are not the hail-mary that they need. There is no way that the absentee ballots will be 100% pro-Kerry, and Kerry is behind by almost the exact amount of ballots that are expected to come in absentee for Ohio.

Nobody seems to be willing to give final results right now, but give me a break. George has Ohio now, and New Mexico is a no brainer as well. At least MSNBC.com and FoxNews.com were clear minded enough to report the numbers in an impartial manner. The 3 listed above seem to be fearful of the results. Maybe Dan Rather will get the boot tomorrow. I can't see why the election would have any sway on that decision. His bosses haven't fired him in this last administration, so why do it in the second term? They don't cater to the GOP, they are lap-dogs for the Dems.

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