
My political post

I was reading up on issues at both candidates web sites. From them, have a few points that bothered me. I'm a Republican, and have seen nothing from Obama that would convince me to vote for him. Because of this, most of my views will be right-slanted.

From the Barack Obama web site about McCain: "giving $200 billion in tax cuts to corporations, including $4 billion in tax breaks to Big Oil".

I'm going to rag on Obama here. This is misinformation, something that Democrats use liberally (a superb pun) to falsely inform their undereducated followers (I reference the portion of Democrats that are undereducated and am not calling all Democrats undereducated). The $4 billion to big oil portion of this quote is designed to make readers think that a component of this plan was created just for oil companies. It wasn't. The $200 billion includes companies in every sector, and the plan was not designed to exclude any company or industry. Since it wasn't exclusive, oil companies are just some of the many that will benefit from this. Intelligent Democrats will probably see this as no big deal, but the uneducated masses that often vote Democrat because they want to continue receiving handouts will see this as proof that McCain is in bed with the oil companies. This $4 billion is brought up many times on the Obama web site. After the third time it just struck me as tacky. Such tactics should insult intelligent Democrats. It's like saying you need to be lied to in order to secure your vote.

Obama website: "John McCain has no plan to end the war in Iraq, and would keep spending $10 billion a month in Iraq"

Does anyone think McCain wants to drag out the Iraq conflict? Making sure Iraq can stand on its own is not the same as dragging out the war. Leaving premature could result in tragedy. If that happens, then all the sacrifice America has endured for Iraq could be for nothing. McCain is a vet, he has lost many friends in combat. Until I have had the same experiences (and I hope that never happens to me), I trust his perspective on war. The fact that McCain hasn't promised a fast withdrawal, like the public seems to want, speaks volumes about his character and beliefs.
What I don't like about either candidate? Taxes. They each promise tax cuts like that's the solution for all that ails America. It's my opinion that in this trying economic time, we should maybe keep taxes where they are or even raise them a bit in order to help fund the programs we need to get the country back on track. All the talk of tax cuts makes me feel like I'm just being told what they think I want to hear.

Energy: I think McCain has Obama beat by a slight margin. I think Palin has them both beat, and I was happy to hear her willingness to disagree with McCain in the VP debate with regard to northern shelf drilling.

I don't think we can "talk it out" with irrational world leaders. I think sanctions should be our primary leverage and they can come to us when they are ready to play nice. We should set limits regarding what we will allow and if they step over the line even slightly, we should be willing to use force.

Otherwise, I don't have a lot of issues with either candidate. I have reservations about both. Obama has a few things that scare me. McCain has a few things that disappoint me. But overall, I think we will be well served by either. I'm still going to vote McCain because I think he is a better leader and I think he is better suited to lead our country at this point in our history.

And for the record, Cindy McCain is a babe.

1 comment:

Marianne & Clayton said...

Well said. I agree. Got to vote on Friday as I will be at work all day Tuesday. It feels so freaking good to have it done with. I am ready for the news to report again on... well, news.