
WoW update

My main, BigGuyKills (Troll Priest), is level 79 and less than 600k XP from 80. I should ding about 2-3 hours after the server comes up at noon today.

A few PC crashes caused me to fall behind. I spent at least 1.5 days trying to fix the Windows machine. I spent another 4 hours getting the expansion DVD to install in Linux.

Seriously, is Blizzard unable to spend maybe $80k a year to hire a developer that ports WoW to Linux? They make something like 15 MILLION each MONTH just in subscription fees.

For anyone interested in WoW under Linux, The best solution for the WotLK expansion DVD is to mount it as root and copy the entire disk to the HD and install from there. If you use one of the more secure and user friendly installs like Fedora or Ubuntu, the command is:

  sudo mount -t udf -o ro,unhide /dev/dvd /media/dvd

You will probably need to unmount the DVD first though, so this step may be required before the last one:

  sudo umount /media/dvd

That command may need to be altered depending on the location of your mount points and devices. The /media/dvd directory is what worked for my Linux install, Ubuntu 8.04, Hardy Heron. Some distro's may need to know your UID. Get your UID with 'id -u' at the terminal. Then unmount the disk like above and run this:

  sudo mount -t udf -o ro,unhide,uid=(number) /dev/dvd /media/dvd

Hope that helps. I know I'll probably have to check this post the next time I install Linux.

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