
Guess what! More WoW!

I got very little done last night, but had a great time. I started my quest for lvl 40 first aid: Triage at Theramore Isle. That is a rather difficult test that they put you through. You have to heal a number of patients (about 16) and do that with less than 6 of them dying. The problem is that they spawn in this room at random times and with random severity levels: critically injured, badly injured, and injured. The critically and badly injured patients are easy to deal with, because you can prioritize them rapidly. It's the regular injured that get ya. They are more common, and it's easy to lose track of which ones have been there the longest. So while you are running around healing the worse off patients, you forget that the guy on bed 1 has been there longer than any of the others, and he is going to be the first to die.

I also spent a good deal of time getting a few more flight paths on Kalimdor. I took the ship from Booty Bay to Ratchet, and later made the mistake of hanging out in front of Orgrimmar too long. I really wanted to have that as a discovered location on my map, but a lvl 57 Troll thought that I should NOT have that location discovered, and he proceeded to teach me all about how 17 lvl's of difference can make a fight pretty much unwinnable for the lesser lvl person.

I also learned that you cannot swim from the Ashenvale coast to anywhere in the Stonetalon Mountains. It's a cliff wall almost the entire way, and it forces you to turn back or swim on to Desolace. I swam on to Desolace thinking that there HAS to be some place along the way where I can get over those hills. There isn't. I wasted about 30 minutes doing that.

But I did get flight paths in Talrendis Point, Astranaar, Nijel's Point, and Stonetalon Peak. I already had Auberdine and Theramore Isle. Tonight I plan on getting flight paths in Talonbranch Glade, Nighthaven, Thalanaar, Feathermoon Stronghold, and Rut Theran Village.

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