
Not yet at lvl 20

Last night as I was finishing a mission in Ashenvale forest, a lvl 29 undead priest ganked me (lvl 18). Not too big of a deal, but kinda of frustrating because she was camping just outside of the Alliance territory border, killing the lowbies as they exit and become PvP enabled. And at that place she is almost guaranteed to not encounter anyone higher than about lvl 25. Most people would skip right over that area and take the flight path to Astranaar.

So we can be sure that she is there just to kill people without the hassle of encountering anyone even close to a threat. I felt like going and getting 'Kills, and teaching her a lesson in manners. But someone else dealt with her before I could do that.

Other than that, I only made it to lvl 18 last night. I was shooting for lvl 20, but I got really sleepy, and had a few other distractions. Oh well, I may be able to make 20 tonight. Or I might just play 'Kills.

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